Economics MCQ Note In Odia || Plus Two First Year Arts Economics Note In Odia || Chse Plus Two Economics Note 2021 || 12th Class Note In Odia
1. What were the conditions of the Indian economy before independence? 1. Agricultural conditions 2. Industrial conditions 3. Condition of infrastructure 4. Low per capita income 5. Extreme poverty 2. Which area was given more importance at the time of independence? to the agricultural sector 3. At the time of independence, what was the percentage of agricultural sector? Recruited labor? 72℅ 4. At the time of independence, what percentage of income was coming from agriculture to the national income? 50% 5. What percentage of agricultural land was produced as food grains? 80% 7. After independence, what percentage of the world's cotton was produced in India? 41% 8. What percentage of the world's cinnamon was produced in India? 32% 9. What percentage of people are dependent on industry before independence? 11% 10. What was the contribution of the industrial sector to the Indian national income before independence? 6.6% 11. What was India's per capita income during 1950-51?